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NYC Metro Area - Audio Video Lighting Staging Equipment Rental & Production

Long Term Rental Available - We Ship Nationwide & Support Tours, Film / Prop Industry & Recording Sessions / Studios.

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The Minimoog Voyager is a handcrafted, all-analog performance synthesizer that incorporates the features and incredible sonic range of the original Minimoog, while adding a vast number of new functional improvements to its design. And just like the original Minimoog, the Minimoog Voyager was designed and brought to life by synthesizer pioneer, Bob Moog. The Minimoog Voyager Performer Edition is the traditional Minimoog Voyager. It is housed in a rugged steel chassis that is secured in a stunning, custom finished ash cabinet.

Classic Moog oscillators, filters, and amplifiers

The Electric Blue Voyager's signal path starts with a bank of three wide-range, high-stability voltage controlled oscillators, one noise source, and one audio preamplifier for externally-applied audio signals. The sound modifiers are two 'Moog-style' lowpass filters and one VCA (Voltage Controlled Amplifier). Modulation sources are two ADSR (Attack Decay Sustain Release) envelope generators and one multi-waveform LFO (Low Frequency Oscillator).

MIDI I/O plus control voltage connectors

The Electric Blue Voyager's rear panel delivers all of the same input/output resources that are available on the Voyager via its MIDI IN, THRU, and OUT connectors, four audio input and output jacks, and two accessory port connectors. The output accessory port connects the RME's 21 control and gate outputs to the forthcoming VX-351 Voyager CV Output Expander, while the input accessory port connects the 18 control and gate inputs to the VX-352 Voyager CV Input Expander.

  • Storage Mode - This sets the behavior after a preset is stored. The user is prompted: Go to stored Preset after Saving? If YES is chosen in this screen, then after a preset is stored to a new location the UI goes to the new location. If NO, then after a preset is stored the current location is maintained in the UI.
  • Glide Modes - There are now 8 glide modes. 1 of 8 is stored in a preset.
  • Mode 1: Normal Glide (glide is always on)
  • Mode 2: Legato Glide (glide is only on when you play legato)
  • Mode 3: Legato Glide to 2nd Only (glide is off when not legato, when the first note of a legato phrase is played, and when returning to the first held note of a legato phrase. Glide is on for the 2nd + notes of a legato phrase.)
  • Mode 4: Legato Glide back to First only (glide is off when not legato, when the first note of a legato phrase is played, and when subsequent notes are legato, glide is on when returning to the first held note of a legato phrase)
  • Mode 5: Legato 1st Note (Glide is on if not playing legato and is Off when playing legato)
  • Mode 6: Mode 4+5 combined (this is Glide mode 4 and 5 combined)
  • Mode 7: Legato back to first = glide off (Glide is On when not playing legato, and when playing legato but is turned off when returning to the first held note of a legato phrase)
  • Mode 8: Legato Glide toggling (for legato playing, glide is on for two notes, then off for two notes)
  • Quick Save - If a preset has been edited, pressing the Master switch twice saves the preset to the present location.
  • Sound Category Browse - If Enter is pressed, the Preset advances to the next available sound in the bank or in the subsequent bank with the same sound category - this is useful for searching for all lead sounds, bass sounds, percussion sounds etc... pressing Enter AND Cursor goes backwards in the progression of the sounds in that category.

The External Mixer knob (just right of the display panel) has a dual function that allows you to rapidly change presets as opposed to continuously punching the cursor buttons.
MIDI Enhancements:

- Allows you to send either 7 or 14 bit resolution from the Mod Wheel.

- Optionally reduces the amount of MIDI data being sent from the Touch Surface.

These changes enable the Voyager to work better with older MIDI equipment.

Moog Electric Blue Voyager Features:

  • Legendary Moog sound in a stunning new case
  • Blue backlit panel and blue LEDs
  • Three wide-range, high stability VCOs with continuously-variable waveforms.
  • Two "Moog-style" lowpass-resonant filters with choice of two-pole or four-pole response
  • Five-input mixer for combining the audio sources prior to filtering
  • Two wide-range ADSR (Attack Decay Sustain Release) envelopes
  • Filter Envelope sweeps the filter and is available for modulation shaping
  • Volume Envelope shapes the overall volume
  • Low Frequency Oscillator generates triangular, square, Sample & Hold, and smoothed Sample & Hold waveforms for use as modulating signals
  • Modulation Busses Module selects sources, destinations, and shaping signals for the MOD WHEEL bus and the EXT PEDAL bus
  • GLIDE varies the speed at which the keyboard voltage changes, from instantaneous to several seconds
  • Extensive MIDI implementation capabilities